District-level Climate Action Resolutions

“School board members are the only publicly elected officials who have a singular focus on the well-being of children and future generations, so your voices are the strongest when you speak up for us.” Student at Woodland Hills High School

Across the country, more and more school boards are passing resolutions declaring climate change a children’s issue and calling on state and federal leaders to take action. Join other regional districts and pass a resolution to prioritize a clean and healthy future for your students.

Pittsburgh-area students demand more

Students in our region recognize the challenge climate change poses to their future, and they are asking their school leadership to speak up!

Student Letter.png
Resolution full.png


Woodland Hills School District becomes the first in Pennsylvania to pass a Climate Change Resolution

Ready to pass a resolution?

Check out these resources developed by our partner nonprofit, Schools For Climate Action, to get started:


Draft a resolution that speaks to the unique vision of your district. See model language below -


Engage fellow school board members and share your draft resolution. See model email template below -


Once it’s passed, log your resolution and CELEBRATE!