Generation Gap
Written by Katie Modic
This week, one of Communitopia’s youth Climate Change Champions was quoted in The Guardian stating, “I can see a really clear generational split” in relation to her stance on climate change versus her grandmother’s. Many of us experience this tension within our own families. I have family members who speak to the importance of the economy and jobs as if we can’t have both good jobs AND a healthy planet. Being both a people pleaser by nature and an individual who is steadfast in my belief that planetary health is the most important bottom line (as planetary health = social justice), I find these conversations challenging. The people pleaser in me wants to listen, learn, and compromise, but my heart is not willing to budge. My truth lies in the fact that I work every day with children who experience disproportionate health impacts due to the poor air quality in our region. My truth lies in the fact that the green sector in PA has seen steady job growth for years and is predicted to continue post COVID. To me, the evidence pointing to the need for and the ability to achieve planetary health and sustainability is so convincing, I’ve fully formed my opinion and I’ve proudly dug my heels into the ground. So how do I converge my “people pleaser” with my “heel digger” and find peace among the people whom I love? I speak my truth, based in fact, with as little judgement of others as possible. I don’t aim to persuade as I know I can’t be persuaded. Rather, I recognize that whether we agree or not, by sharing our truth, our lived experience, we are helping others feel what it’s like to walk in our shoes. This is the first step! So, tell your story! The world is waiting for your kind of wonderful!